Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 63: Cigu to Kun Ni Village

January 28th, 2012.

Sometimes you get lucky. On this day, I got lucky in three ways:

First, the light was amazing for photography. I'm not a hot shot photographer and my camera isn't an expensive one, so when I get beautiful light I am very happy for it.

Second, I came across a beautiful little village: Kun Ni. This was a case of beauty because of functionality. The village was simple, undecorated, and functional. But in this there was a certain elegance of design.

The village was slightly inland from the sea, but with wide canals giving it easy access. Hence, the harbor was conveniently placed and yet shielded from large waves. In the central area of the rectangular-shaped village was a large temple. In front of that was an open square. So, all religious and large-scale social events could be held in a location central to all. Leading from the temple square to the harbor at the far end of the village was the market street. Around the entire village was a main road. Inside were narrow alleys where neighbors chatted and children played. Simple yet elegant.

And not a single trace of tourism everywhere.

This meant no hotels! But my third way of being lucky was that the temple guy let me sleep in a small room at the temple that night for free. 

But before I got there, a walk along the coast in beautiful late-afternoon sunlight.

Light, water, roads, crumbling old structures, oysters: a constant theme.

                                Gently moving towards sunset. 

                     This shortcut was way too dodgy for me!

                            Into Kun Ni village.

                               Guan Yin glows behind the temple.

                                My humble place of rest for one night.

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